Chapter One.

Once upon a time…

Actually, I am going to start this over. Just like I did with my hair. Somebody must have told contemporary Delilah that the only way to take me down was to shave my head, and so it happened. I woke up one morning and my hair was gone. Yeah, maybe not exactly like that but this is definitely how I felt. Differently than Samson though, I do not have any pillar to lean on before pushing them apart and kill everybody. Also, the biblical reference is completely fortuitous, just the first thing that popped in my head.

Here I am, trying to take back some of the demons I let out when the hairdresser said “you need to shave it off!” and the best way to keep my mind busy (and probably to also keep me from going out until my hair grows a little) is to finally abuse of that Netflix subscription and to start binge watching anything that I feel like it is worth seeing. Meanwhile, I will take another sip of my chai…